Digestive Conditions

Our bodies absorb vital nutrients from food and drink as it passes through us, these are used as energy and for building cells. Body parts such as the oesophagus, stomach, large / small intestine, liver, pancreas and the gallbladder help make up the digestive tract and its any issues in these that get classed as digestive diseases.

Some of the early signs of an issue in the digestive tract can include:

  • Bleeding
  • Bloating
  • Change in passing of bowl (constipation / Diarrhea)
  • Heartburn
  • Incontinence
  • Weight gain / loss
  • Pain in the belly
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Swallowing problems

Some common digestive conditions include:

If you are suffering from any of the above there are many medical professionals who can help provide advise including doctors, dietitians and the specialist… gastroenterologist. It’s not uncommon for surgical procedures to be carried out on parts of the digestive tract. Endoscopy, laparoscopy, open surgery and organ transplants are common and can be performed on the liver, pancreas or small intestine.

Guts UK

Guts UK is the premier place to go if you are looking for more information on your digestive health, the charity helps research, provide information, support and ultimately, fight against digestive conditions so why not head over to their website and take a look: https://gutscharity.org.uk/

Travelling with Digestive Problems

Experiencing diarrhea whilst away is a common issue amongst travellers. New foods coming into your body can easily upset your stomach and that’s before we consider different bacteria, viruses and parasites in water and food. Luckily for most this is just unpleasant and not too serious.

For those looking to travel with pre existing digestive conditions its best to eat healthy and don’t overeat making sure you are getting enough fiber Food is often a trigger for those with IBS but its worth noting that stress and hormones can also be a trigger, plan around this by making sure you have the medication needed to hand, snacks that don’t upset your stomach and think about what you can do in advance to make you more relaxed and comfortable on the flight.

Here at Direct-Travel we can help cover your pre-existing digestive medical conditions with various levels of travel insurance cover.

In need of assistance?

Our medical travel insurance team are ready to provide you with assistance regarding your quote. If you would prefer to talk to an advisor to receive a quote or have a query please contact our UK based customer service team. Find out our details on our contact us page.

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